Monday, July 26, 2010

Priesthood FHE

Need a FHE Lesson for tonight? Ruth Stark has sent these great lesson ideas as a follow-up from yesterday. Thanks Ruth!!!!


Priesthood Power Object Lesson 1

Preparation or Objects Needed:

Different power sources like: water, a battery, a magnet, a small motor, an outlet (or picture of one, an extension cord, etc.

Show the power sources. Ask questions like: What do we benefit from this item? Are there other sources of power that benefit you? Do you know what we call the power of God?

Priesthood Power Object Lesson 2

Preparation or Objects Needed

Flashlight, lightbulb

  • What is necessary for this object to make light? If you have a flashlight, show that it needs batteries, a lightbulb, and a switch that all work properly for it to make light. A lightbulb needs good filaments and must be screwed into a socket that is connected to a source of power. The switch also needs to be turned on to allow electricity to flow.


List the possible blessings we receive in our lifetime from the priesthood.

    • Receiving a name and a blessing
    • Being baptized
    • Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost
    • Receiving a blessing when sick
    • Partaking of the sacrament
    • Serving a mission
    • Being married in the temple


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  • Darken the room as dark as possible. Ask everyone to spin/turn around a couple of times. Then have them point the direction of a specific object or door in the room and freeze and not move until the you say. Then turn the lights back on. Discuss where they were pointing.
  • OR tell this story: A group of tourists who went into a deep, dark cave. Once inside the cave the guide turned off the lights, waited for a few minutes, and then asked each person to point in the direction of the exit. When the lights came back on, people were pointing in all different directions.
    • Elder Robert D. Hales: “If the power of the priesthood were not upon the earth, the adversary would have freedom to roam and reign without restraint. There would be no gift of the Holy Ghost to direct and enlighten us; no prophets to speak in the name of the Lord; no temples where we could make sacred, eternal covenants; no authority to bless or baptize, to heal or comfort. … There would be no light, no hope—only darkness” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1995, p. 40; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, p. 32).


    • How can we all honor and sustain the priesthood? (By accepting callings from priesthood leaders; serving others; speaking respectfully of Church leaders; and praying for fathers, brothers, family members, and others who hold the priesthood.)

Support: “to promote the interest or cause of” or “to uphold or defend as valid or right: advocate.”
Sustain: “to give support or relief to.”
Ways to Support Fathers
Be obedient
Spend time together
Ways to Support Fathers

Share concerns and interests
Ask for a father’s blessing
Seek his advice and counsel
Get to know him
Set a good example to brothers and sisters
Give him love and appreciation
Build up, not tear down
Support him in family home evening
Be cheerful and helpful in the home

Ardeth G. Kapp : “The priesthood was restored to bless the entire family.”

The Priesthood in Our Home

Behold, I will lead thee by my hand, and I will take thee, to put upon thee my name, even the Priesthood of thy father, and my power shall be over thee. [Abraham 1:18]


Help family members appreciate the blessings of having the priesthood in the home.


Our Heavenly Father has great power, which is called the priesthood. By this power the heavens and the earth were created. Through this power, delegated to men, all the children of Heavenly Father can be blessed (see Abraham 2:1).

Every priesthood holder has the right and privilege to use this priesthood to lead and bless his family. Your children should grow up knowing the blessings of the priesthood.

If you do not have the priesthood in your home, you may receive the blessings of the priesthood through relatives, home teachers, and your bishop or branch president. Our loving Heavenly Father gave the priesthood to his children so that he could guide and bless us.


Bring a poster board or a large piece of paper and some markers or crayons.


"Come, Sing to the Lord" [Hymns, no.10].

"I Thank Thee, Dear Father" [The Children’s Songbook, 7].


Abraham Received the Priesthood

Turn to Facsimile No. 1 in the book of Abraham.

- What do you see? (Abraham is lying down on an altar. A wicked priest with a knife is trying to kill Abraham.)

- Why did this wicked priest want to kill Abraham? (Because Abraham worshipped Heavenly Father and would not bow down to worship false gods made of stone or wood.)

Read Abraham 1:1-19 with your family; or, if your children are young, tell the story in your own words:

Abraham was a good man who tried to serve Heavenly Father all his life. He wanted one great blessing that he did not have. He wanted to have the priesthood because he knew it would help him to be a better servant of the Lord and would help him bless his family.

Abraham's father could not give him the priesthood as righteous fathers do because he had forgotten Heavenly Father and turned to worshipping idols. Abraham's father even let wicked men take Abraham and tie him to an altar like the one in the picture. There they were going to kill him. But Abraham cried out to Heavenly Father, who heard Abraham and saved his life.

Heavenly Father told Abraham to leave his father's house and go away into another country. He promised Abraham the great blessing that Abraham most wanted, the priesthood of God. He also promised Abraham that through this priesthood all the families of the earth would be blessed. (See Abraham 2:6-13.)

Our Family Is Blessed by the Priesthood

Explain to your family that this priesthood or power of God that Abraham was given is the same priesthood that the fathers or sons in your family have. One of the reasons the Lord has given men the priesthood is so that they can bless their families. Every member of your family who is a member of the Church has had some blessings from the priesthood.

Let each person tell about a blessing he has received through the power of the priesthood. For example—

1. Talk about the blessings the children received as babies. Tell about the event, who attended the meeting, who assisted the father or gave the blessing, how the baby was and how the name was chosen. Any details you can remember will be fascinating to the child about whom you are talking as well as to other family members. Be sure to include an expression of how you felt on these occasions.

2. A family member who has been baptized and confirmed could tell about that experience and how he felt.

3. A family member could tell about receiving an annointing and blessing when he was ill.

4. Someone in your family could share his feelings about receiving father's blessing.

5. Share your feelings about going to the temple to be sealed if you have had a temple marriage, being careful not to discuss what goes on in the temple. You could tell how you are looking forward to this great blessing if you have not yet been through the temple. You may want to tell the following story:

Tommy's First Day at School

Tommy was getting ready to go to school for the first time. He had been excited about beginning school, but now that the first day had finally come, he was frightened.

Tommy was quiet all morning. His mother had made his favorite breakfast, but Tommy did not smile when he saw it. He picked up the spoon and tried to eat, but could not.

His mother asked, "Do you feel sick, Tommy?"

Tommy answered, "I think so. At least I don't feel like going to school."

Tommy's mother felt his head to see if he had a fever. She looked in his throat, but it was not red. She said, "I can't see anything wrong, Tommy. Show me where it is that you don't feel well."

Tommy said, "I just feel funny inside."

Tommy's father looked at him and said, "I think I know what might be wrong with you, Tommy. This is your first day of school. Maybe you feel funny inside because you will be away from home all day and you don't know what to expect. Are you a little frightened? I know that feeling, too, Tommy. I had the same feeling when I started my new job last week.

"I can do something to help you if you would like. I can give you a special blessing before you go to school today. This blessing can help take away that frightened, funny feeling you have inside."

"I'd like that, dad," said Tommy.

Tommy's father placed his hands on Tommy's head and gave him a special blessing.

That afternoon Tommy came bounding in the door calling, "Mom, mom, I'm home."

"How did you like school, Tommy?" asked his mother.

"Well, it was better than I thought it would be. My teacher is nice," said Tommy.

"Dad said you would feel better after he gave you a special blessing, didn't he? I'm glad your father knew just what to do to help you."

Sharing these experiences should remind each family member what a great blessing the priesthood can be. The Lord has given us the priesthood because we are his children and he loves us. It is our Heavenly Father's way of blessing his children, and he wants us to receive every blessing we are worthy to have.

We Will Remember Our Blessings

Let the children make a poster that says, "The Priesthood Blesses Our Family." Let each family member sign or print his name around the edges of the poster. Then write by each name the priesthood blessings that person has received.

Put up the poster somewhere so that your family will see it each day at dinner time. Discuss the different blessings during dinner each day.


Tell the picture story "Abraham Received the Priesthood" that accompanies the lesson.

[Scan in the story on p. 86]

Explain how your family has been blessed by the priesthood. Tell the children about the day they were blessed and given a name by a priesthood holder as suggested in the regular lesson. With younger children, this part of the lesson could be expanded so that you take time telling each child about his birth and your special love for him. Describe other priesthood blessings you may have had, such as a father's blessing or a blessing during illness. Help the children realize that having the priesthood to bless them is like having Heavenly Father close by us all the time.

Tell the story "Tommy's First Day at School," and discuss it.

Let the children help you make and decorate a poster that says, "The Priesthood Blesses Our Family." Put up this poster in your home where it can be seen at dinner time. Each night during the week, tell a bedtime story that illustrates some priesthood blessings.


Turn to Facsimile No. 1 in the book of Abraham, and discuss what you see. Then read the explanation printed below it.

- How did Abraham get into this perilous situation?

Read Abraham 1:5-7.

- How was he rescued?

Read Abraham 1:15-18.

- Abraham sought to have the priesthood but could not be ordained by his own father. Why?

The Lord told Joseph Smith who ordained Abraham. Read Doctrine and Covenants 84: 14.

When the Lord promised to give Abraham the priesthood, he declared that through this priesthood all the families of the earth would be blessed. Read Abraham 2: 11.

Discuss some of the ways that the families of the earth have been blessed by the priesthood. Everyone in the Church has received blessings through the priesthood at some time in his life.

- Can you trace the priesthood lineage in your family?

- Who ordained the priesthood holders in your family?

- Who ordained the men that ordained your family members?

- Can you trace the priesthood lineage of the person who baptized you or set you apart to a position in the Church?

Ask each person to recall and share his feelings about at least one blessing he has received through the priesthood, such as the blessing of babies, baptism, confirmation, father's blessing, blessing during illness, temple endowments, and temple marriage.

Conclude by having the oldest priesthood bearer in the family express his feelings concerning the use of his priesthood to bless those he loves. Introduce this by telling the following story:

Mike Makes a Decision

Mike had graduated from school nearly a year ago, and he would soon be nineteen. All through the past year he had tried to decide whether to go on a mission.

Quite a few of his friends had already gone on their missions, and this is what bothered Mike most. It seemed to him that some of them had gone for the wrong reasons—not because they were committed to serve the Lord, but to please their parents or girl friends. Mike wanted to be sure that if he went, he would go for the right reasons.

One Sunday evening after an inspiring sacrament meeting, Mike asked his father if they could talk privately because he had a problem on his mind that he would like to discuss.

His father said, "Why not right now?" The two of them went into Mike's room and shut the door.

Mike and his father talked for quite a while about all the things that had been bothering Mike. Then his father asked, "Mike, would you like a special blessing to help you?"

"Yes, I would," Mike answered.

Later that night as Mike said his prayers before going to bed, he told the Lord again that he wanted to be sure that he was really committed to serve so that he could feel good about going on a mission. He expressed his love for the Lord and thanked him for his good family and all the other blessings he had received throughout his life. Suddenly he had a warm, good feeling come over him. He knew in his heart how much his Heavenly Father loved him. As he arose from his knees, the words kept going through his head over and over again, "I want to serve the Lord. I want to serve the Lord." Mike knew what to do.

Discuss any future events in your family where a priesthood blessing might be appropriate, such as leaving home for college, mission, work, or marriage; the birth of children; or special assignments or responsibilities. Counsel each family member to remember to call on the priesthood bearers in the home for blessings on these special occasions. Sharing the spiritual experiences of giving and receiving blessings through the priesthood will strengthen and unite your family.


Authority in the Priesthood

Tell the following experience that Elder Hugh B. Brown had before becoming an Apostle and member of the First Presidency:

"I was at one time an army officer. As such, I became accustomed to having men stand at attention and salute me and call me 'sir,' and frankly, I liked it.

"Often men came and asked for favors--perhaps a furlough or a leave or some thing that they thought I could grant--because they knew that I was an officer of the King [of England] and that I had the right to speak in his name. And so as they came I handed the 'blessings' down to them and I became more haughty and self-important with each event.

"One day a messenger came to my hotel just off Piccadilly Circus. He said, 'You are wanted immediately in the hospital.'

"I thought, 'Well, here is another boy that wants something. I will go down and see what is wanted.'

"I called a taxi and went to the hospital.

"When I arrived the doctors stood at attention and saluted, and that fed my ego. The nurses treated me with great respect and that pleased me even more.

"They directed me to a little room and as I pushed open the door, I saw an emaciated young man lying on a cot. I recognized him as a former Sunday School student of mine in Cardston, Canada.

"When he greeted me, he did not use my rank in his salutation, but simply said, 'Brother Brown, I sent for you to ask if you would use your authority in my behalf.' (I thought, 'Well, this is what I expected. What does he want?')

"'Brother Brown,' he said, 'you know I have a widowed mother; I am her only son; the doctors say I cannot live; will you give me my life!'

"I thought, 'My goodness, the King of England can't give him his life. To what is he referring?'

"Then he startled me with a request: 'Will you administer to me!'

"At that moment . . . my uniform, with the insignia on it, seemed to melt away, and I stood before that young man in a uniform with insignia indicating authority. I could not have worn that uniform, which was next to my skin, if I had not had some authority given to me. I stood there thinking of that authority, and I was humbled but inspired.

"I went over to his cot and knelt beside him. I put my hands on his head and said, 'In the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the holy priesthood, I bless you and promise you that you will get well and return to your mother.' God honored that promise.

"I went into that hospital a proud British officer, and I came out a humble Mormon elder. Ever since then I have earnestly tried to remember that there is a power and authority given to man, not from the king or the president, but from the King of Kings, and if we live properly and do not forget that we have been so endowed, we may exercise that authority in behalf of those who need our ministration." (Be What You Will to Be, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [Provo, 14 Feb. 1967], pp. 8-9.)

Read the fifth article of faith. Then have someone read Exodus 4:10-16 and 28:1.

- Where did Moses receive his authority to call Aaron to do the Lord's work?

The Lord followed this same procedure when he was himself on the earth. Have someone read John 15:16.

Discuss how priesthood holders are organized into offices to do the work for which they are called (see chapter 14, "Priesthood Organization," Gospel Principles [PBIC0245], pp. 79-87.)

Adapt this lesson to the age levels of family members.

Priesthood Ordinances

Prepare your family for special occasions when priesthood ordinances or blessings will be given, such as for baptisms, ordinations, or patriarchal blessings. Use the appropriate lesson from the section "Special Occasions," lessons 27 through 37.

How Priesthood Holders Magnify Their Callings

Use a magnifying lens to demonstrate the meaning of the word magnify.

- What is magnified when men honor and use their priesthood? (Their lives and service.)

Have family members suggest ways that callings in the priesthood can be magnified. If there are Aaronic Priesthood holders in the home, ask them to think of their priesthood duties and how they can magnify their callings. Review Doctrine and Covenants 20:38-67.

Discuss how honoring his priesthood all the time will prepare a priesthood holder to bless his family when some emergency or special event takes place (see D&C 121:36).

Honoring the Priesthood

Priesthood leaders have the responsibility to teach, advise, and counsel us as well as to preside over meetings and perform ordinances. We can turn to them for help when we have difficult problems.

Discuss with your family how home teachers, bishops or branch presidents, stake presidents, and General Authorities fulfill these functions.

You may wish to use wordstrips with the priesthood offices printed on them. As you discuss each office, attach the wordstrip to a poster or flannel board. Or you may wish to use a chalkboard. Have family members suggest ways they can honor the priesthood that the officer holds (such as seeking, listening to, and following their leaders' counsel; reading conference addresses; or sustaining priesthood officers). Recall examples of counsel and advice from priesthood leaders that have blessed you and your family.

Love and the Priesthood

These suggestions work best with teenagers and adults.

Read and discuss Doctrine and Covenants 12:8, 121:41-42, and 1 Corinthians 13 (charity in this scripture means "love for our fellowmen"). Have family members who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood describe one or two of their responsibilities for serving other people. Then have them describe how these scriptures apply to the way they carry out those responsibilities.

If there are no priesthood holders in your family, discuss how to apply these scriptures as leaders, teachers, or family members. Be careful not to allow any criticism of priesthood leaders.

Messages from the Doctrine and Covenants:
The Priceless Gift of the Priesthood Ensign Feb 2005

By Elder William W. Parmley
Of the Seventy

The Priesthood in Everyday Life

Sometimes I worry that many men exercise their priesthood in a limited way. They may tend to use it only on Sunday or when fulfilling a specific priesthood assignment. Then they put the priesthood aside for the rest of the week.

In my calling as a Seventy I attend many stake priesthood leadership meetings. I often ask those in attendance, “How did you use your priesthood last week?” Usually the men will think for a minute, and then someone will say, “I blessed my wife.” That will be followed by several similar responses. Finally someone might say, “I presided at family home evening” or “I presided at family prayer this morning.”

Priesthood holders should be using their priesthood multiple times a day. It should be a natural part of their lives. They should preside over family prayer, family home evening, and family councils. They should set a good example in their family by engaging in personal prayer and scripture study, living the commandments, paying a generous fast offering and a full tithe, attending all meetings, going to the temple, and sharing the gospel with others. They should better understand when someone needs a good word or a pat on the back, for the priesthood can help them increase their sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit.

Because the priesthood is the authority to act for God, a priesthood holder should frequently ask himself, “What would the Savior do if He were here?” The answer to that question is, He would bless people. He might not necessarily put His hands on their head, and He might not necessarily raise them from the dead. But He would be helping and serving others at all times.

Priesthood holders are frequently admonished to magnify their callings in the priesthood. As Elder Delbert L. Stapley (1896–1978) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “To magnify is to honor, to exalt and glorify, and cause to be held in greater esteem or respect. It also means to increase the importance of, to enlarge and make greater. … Can a man magnify his calling who is not willing to sacrifice and consecrate all for the building of God’s kingdom in righteousness, truth, and power in the earth?” 3

President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, spoke about the importance of worthiness when exercising the priesthood: “Your authority comes through your ordination; your power comes through obedience and worthiness. … Power in the priesthood comes from doing your duty in ordinary things: attending meetings, accepting assignments, reading the scriptures, keeping the Word of Wisdom.” 4

The priesthood is a priceless gift that blesses the lives of both men and women. Let us not underestimate its significance. It is the very power and authority to act for God and is one of the great blessings of the Restoration.

1. Invite family members to write down a few words and phrases that describe what they think the priesthood is and what they think it is not. Have them find answers to these questions in the article: What is the priesthood and how was it restored? The priesthood is a “source of great power” to do what? How can priesthood holders magnify their callings?

2. Discuss what a gift is and how the priesthood is a priceless gift. Invite family members to share how the priesthood has blessed their lives. According to the article, what are some ways the priesthood can be used in everyday life?

A hurricane gains impact, comes on with mighty force,
Wreaking mass destruction, along its chosen course.
The waters of a mighty flood will make men run in fear,
As does the black tornado, when its funneled wrath appears.

Earthquakes cause much damage, arising from its berth,
And man claims nuclear weapons can eradicate the earth.
But of all the mighty powers, there’s one that stands alone
For its power stems from righteousness and claims a mighty throne.

The priesthood of God long missing, from churches of our time
Is now restored and shall prevail, in every tongue and clime.
The priesthood sets our church apart from every other church
And through its restoration, has ended many a search.

All the keys to God’s kingdom, through the priesthood now restored
And it is through this priesthood power, men work and serve the Lord.
The priesthood is a privilege, not just a right of men
Which must be earned and then upheld, through covenants entered in.

It’s through the laying-on-of-hands that the priesthood is conferred
By those who have authority, to preach and teach His word.
Not by man, but through God it came, and Peter, James and John,
Returned to earth, to confer the keys, so Christ’s gospel might roll on.

Mighty or simple the miracles, the priesthood power brings,
It can raise the dead or bless a child; still they’re both inspiring,
And both bring the powers of heaven, down on the heads of men,
As it baptizes, administers, holy ordinances enters in.

But because men hold the priesthood, are women inferior beings?
Subject to every wish of man, as though he were her king?
No, the role of woman is different; she’s co-creator with God,
Bears a child then nurtures, teaches children the path to trod.

- Carolyn Perry Fife

How to sustain priesthood holders in the home

in our children and to teach them to sustain those who hold the priesthood, we must first realize the importance and validity of the priesthood in our own lives.

Searching modern and ancient scriptures, and pondering and praying are always important in gaining a testimony of the priesthood, and, thus, sustaining a priesthood holder. Then we can add the following:- Engender support of our priesthood holders. Let them know how much we value the sacredness of their obligations. Encourage them to do all of their callings, never quibble about time spent doing the Lord's work. Explain that our Heavenly Father needs our husband, daddy, etc., to do His work. Stress the importance of our love and support in sharing the blessings that come from honoring and sustaining our priesthood leader.

- Encourage the priesthood holder to use the power of the priesthood in the home, and explain the faith and the obligation that goes with priesthood blessings. These blessings include the comfort that comes from a priesthood blessing in the middle of the night, a father's blessing of a child on the first day of a new school year, a father's blessing when decisions are to be made, and a priesthood blessing to members of his family when they are troubled.

- Realize the basic necessity is to first and foremost teach respect for the priesthood of God. Teach in our homes gratitude and thankfulness for having the priesthood on the earth. Always speak up for righteousness as we support our priesthood leaders on every level, and guard our tones to not speak ill of the Lord's servants. - Sarah K. Hammarstrom, Manteca, Calif.


Develop testimony

Methods that can help one to sustain priesthood holders in the home include the following:

- Develop a testimony of the necessity and significance of the priesthood.

- Make an effort to learn about the offices and quorums in the priesthood.

- Create an organized home. This will allow the priesthood holder in the home to fulfill his callings without mass confusion.

- Live righteously. Setting a good example is often more impressive than giving sound advice. - Carol L. Wambolt, Lubbock, Texas

How to checklist:

1 Pray for those who hold the priesthood; express support.

2 Develop testimony of priesthood; live righteously.

3 Encourage use of priesthood; seek its blessings.

4 Honor the priesthood; be a good example.

The Priesthood Blesses My Family

Week 3: The priesthood blesses my family

References: James 5:14-15; D&C 121:36;

Sing: The Priesthood is Restored

(Use a large blanket. Have the children sit under it as the adults held it up. The blanket was like the priesthood, it makes us feel safe and cozy in our homes.


Put up a word strip with this line from the song just sung: “Mine is a home where every hour is blessed by the strength of priesthood power.” Ask the children what they think that means. How does the priesthood protect us?

Ask the children who they know who has the priesthood. Answers might include fathers, bishop, home teachers. Tell the children that every child in the room has a home that is blessed by priesthood power, even if there is no one in the home who has the priesthood.

Tell the following story to the children, showing a picture of a boy as you do: Eric was almost eight years old. Whenever someone in his class got baptized, his teacher, Sister West, had the child tell about the baptism and who baptized them. Eric didn’t like those days. All the children were baptized by their fathers, and Eric’s father didn’t have the priesthood and lived far away. One day, Sister West told the class that Eric was going to be the next child to be baptized. She asked him if he was excited to be baptized. He said, “Sort of, I guess.” Sister West said, “You don’t sound very excited. Are you worried about something?”

Eric said, “Sister West, my daddy can’t baptize me. I guess I can’t get baptized.”
Ask the children if that’s true. Can Eric get baptized even though his dad can’t do the baptism? Ask them to suggest people who could baptize Eric. (Other relatives, home teacher, a grown-up friend at church…) Tell the children Eric decided to ask his home teacher to baptize him.

Show a picture of Jesus getting baptized. Ask the children who is baptizing Jesus in the picture. It’s John the Baptist. Is John the Baptist Jesus’ father? No, he was Jesus’ cousin. Jesus was baptized by His cousin, not His Father in Heaven, and not by Joseph. So any child who can’t be baptized by his father can remember that Jesus wasn’t baptized by His Father, either.

Just as Jesus asked a cousin to baptize Him, we can ask any priesthood holder to help us when we need priesthood blessings.

Help children learn who might have the priesthood by showing several pictures of people and asking the children which of these people might have the priesthood. Place those who might under a wordstrip that says “Priesthood.”

Show a picture of a child being baptized. Ask the children why we get baptized. If a child has been baptized, talk about their baptism.

Sing: Love is Spoken Here.

Your browser may not support display of this image. Family Home Evening on Priesthood Power

Preparation: prepare ahead of time a beautifully gift wrapped box with a slip of paper that says in bold beautiful writing... PRIESTHOOD POWER. If you can, wrap it in gold or fancy paper, & a beautiful bow. Then prepare a box or jar with wordstrips that are clues to what is in the box.

(You can print this and cut out if you have a printer).
On the back of the word priesthood, have this,

"You men who hold the priesthood of God, live up to that priesthood. You have something more precious than anything else on earth. It is the power, it is the opportunity, it is the authority to speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world, to hold office in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, to administer to the sick, to lay your hands upon the heads of others and call down the blessings of heaven. You will not go to any school to learn how to do this, but you will be trained in the Church, and if you are faithful and true, God will bless you. He will increase your powers. Live worthy of this great gift, my brethren. Be men of whom the Lord may be proud".(President Gordon b. Hinckley (meeting, Torreon, Mexico, 11 Mar. 1998


1. You have to live up to it to receive it.

2. President Gordon b. Hinckley says it is more precious than anything else on earth.

3. It is powerful.

4. It is an opportunity of a lifetime.

5. Only certain people can get it.

6. Jesus had it.

7. Adam had it.

8. All the Prophets have had it.

9. When you have it you can perform certain things.

10. You can not learn this in school.

11. You have to be faithful and true, and male, to get it.

12. Females are blessed by it.

13. The Lord is proud of those who honor it.



1. Song, Prayer
2. Family business
3. Show the beautifully wrapped box. Tell your family that inside is a piece of paper with a word on it that is more valuable than all the riches on earth.
Give them clues so that they can guess what this gift is. but no one can guess until all the clues are read
4. Open the box and read what it says on the back.
5. Ask; What is the Priesthood Power?
It is the law by which all the worlds were made, and the seasons and all things that are. Jesus used this power to create all things. It is perfect order. It rules, directs, governs, and contols all things. It is Saving ordinances. It is the power that will get us back to Heavenly Father. You will carry it with you into the next life. It is the keys of Salvation. Men who hold this priesthood, are charged to strive in word action and deed to honor this great gift given to them.
6. Have dad or a priesthood holder in your ward, give a priesthood blessing to children starting school.
7.Song, "The Priesthood is Restored", Prayer, treat


Make and cut apart simple drawings, such as those on the next page, representing the answers to the following riddles. Pass out the drawings you have made. Have each child hold up his drawing and tell what it represents. Explain that you are going to read some riddles, and the children are to decide which drawing answers the riddle. Have the child holding the answer to the riddle place it by the appropriate blessing picture. (Some drawings can go with more than one blessing.)

a. I am used when someone who is sick is given a blessing. The priesthood holder puts a small amount of me on the sick person’s head. What am I? (Consecrated oil.)

b. I can’t walk. I can’t talk. I am very young. I need to be

given a name and a blessing. What am I? (A baby.)

c. I need a special blessing. I have a high fever. I asked my

father to give me a blessing to help me feel better. What am I? (A

sick child.)

d. I have been given a special power called the priesthood. I

have children. I can give my children a father’s blessing. What am

I? (A father.)

e. When a sick person asks for a blessing, at least a certain

number of men ho hold the Melchizedek Priesthood are called in to

give the blessing. I am that number. What am I? (The number 2.)

f. When the men holding the priesthood bless a baby, bless the

sick, or give a father’s blessing, they use me. They put me on the person’s head or use me to hold the baby. What am I? (Hands.)

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