Monday, August 1, 2011

Parenting the Lord's Way

What we learn from Commandments, Blessings and Agency
Firesides and Classes by Bro. Tom Dozier

Friday Evening Fireside, August 19, 7-8:30pm
Newnan LDS Meetinghouse 821 Old Atlanta Hwy, Newnan
This 90 minute presentation reviews a comprehensive set of parenting skills that are consistent with the way God deals with us. God gives us commandments, blesses us when we follow them, but allows us the agency to choose. Agency for children is a problematic concept for parenting. Finding a balance between allowing a child agency and parental responsibility can be tricky. Childhood is a time for a child to learn to righteously excercise his agency in a safe, stable home environment. The skills taught in this presentation allow parents to effectively communicate their expectations (commandments) to children, which helps the child willingly comply (use of agency). These skills also strengthen the parent-child relationship and help create a positive home environment where children internailze the family values. The materials for this presentation primarily come from the works of the late Glenn I. Latham, who wrote The Power of Positive Parenting.

Saturday Classes, Aug 20 - Newnan Building

9-11am: Transforming the Strong-Willed Child (ages 2-10)
With this class, you can turn "No! I won't and you can't make me!" into smailed and "OK Mommy." Strong-willed children can be very difficult to parent because they fight your authority and enjoy the battles they create. Based on extensice research in child behavior, this class will teach you to end the battles with your child and motivate your child to cooperate and please you. Using primarily postivie methods, you will trsnaform your child and your home so everyone is happier. Battling with a child is no fun. Come learn how to put the fun back in parenting. You will be glad you did, and so will you child!

noon- 1pm: Happiness in the Home
As parents, we have primary control of the mood of our home. Although children can cause great disruption and conflict, as parents we have both the privilege and responsibility to take chare of our home environment. President Hinckley said, "Children need sunlight. They need happiness...every hoe, regardless of the cost of the house, can provide an environment of love which will be an environment of salvation." A happy home makes both children and parents happier, and more importantly, it helps children behave well, internalize the family values, and grow up into happy, healthy and faithful adults. This presentation will discuss practical ways we can improve the level of happiness and "sunlight" in our homes.

2-4pm: The Teenage Years: Your Window of Opportunity
This seminar will apply Parenting the Lord's Way to teenagers. We will discuss how parents can respect agency and still have a powerful influence in a teen's life. Additionally, parents can have a powerful influence in a teen's life. Additionally, parent can have a powerful influence on the kind of adult your teen grows up to be. Whether you have an easy teen (if there is such a thing) or a very difficult teen, this class is for you. Individual application of these skills will be discussed, along with time for questions and answers.

Saturday Evening Fireside, Aug 20 7-8:30pm
Redwine Building - 2021 Redwine Road, Fayetteville
(repeat presentation of the Friday evening program)

Heavenly Father works with us in a kind and loving way. He gives us commandments, blesses us when we obey, and gives us the agency to choose. We can apply the same principles in our home and help our children behave well. Come and learn positive ways to motivate your child, improve cooperation, and eliminate conflict.

Learn how to stop nagging and have your child choose to cooperate.

Learn how to have your child take responsibility.

Learn how to motivate your child to do the good t hings he has been taught and to internalize your family values.

Behaviorist and parenting skills trainer Tom Dozier will teach you specific , positive ways to take control of your home environment, consistent with the way God works with each of us.

You AND your child will be happier!

More info about Tom Dozier available at

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