Sunday, July 11, 2010

More from Millie

Here we go into the second half of the year already! Can you believe
it? The July Emergency Essentials magazine came yesterday so I am
going to pass along the specials. I for one wanted to get them last
month but too much was going on so I'm really glad they did a rerun on
the dried strawberries, even though with the fresh ones available at
this time it is easy to put off buying the dried ones. They are in
the #10 can and the required purchase for the discount is 12 cans.
Just to get you started, I am buying a case so you know we should make
the dozen. They are $13 per can (regularly $17.50) so don't wait til
the fresh ones are gone to think about getting the dried ones. They
also have apple pieces in the quantity purchase section for $10 and
you know how much they are at the storehouse and the regular price
here is $15.95. Another really good deal. Also on the front cover
they have Apple Dices for $13.99. Good deals everywhere!

Then Mixed vegetables for stew, a # 10 can for $11. Sounds great for
stew lovers. Again 12 cans to get the discount. The burn kits are
offered again also for $7 each and these are fantastic. If you have
ever had the emergency experience, you know how important immediate
action is and with the right product. Don't use vaseline or anything
petroleum base until you get the heat out of the burn. I speak from
experience. Ten kits need to be ordered for the discount. There are
already 5 of these ordered, a hold over from last month.

Last of the Group Specials is a Tote-able toilet seat and lid. Laugh
if you will but if you have a well and live in the South you are
looking at a real life saver. They are offered this month at half
their regular price, so are $6 each. We have one, still unused but
here and available nevertheless. They attach on the tops of 4 1/2
gallon (or larger) buckets very snugly. Can be used with regular
garbage bag inserts for easy cleanup. Good for emergencies and
camping trips if you don't have a porta-potti.

For ordering or more info:
Millie Meyers

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